Are you looking for affordable auto insurance? There are many factors that go into the cost of auto insurance premiums, and our independent agents can help you find an auto insurance policy that gives you the coverage you need without breaking the bank.
First, we'll look at the minimum liability requirements for your vehicle, so that when you hit the road, your vehicle always has the legal coverage it needs. But beyond that, there are other types of auto insurance that might make sense for you, such as no-fault liability insurance which would cover your medical expenses and those of any passengers no matter who is at fault in an accident, and comprehensive insurance that protects your car if it's vandalized, stolen, or damaged by disasters like fires or flat tires.
While adding collision insurance may seem like it costs more upfront, it may be a wise choice in the long run if you have a newer vehicle. Since collision insurance covers you if your car is damaged in an accident, you won't be faced with a situation of being without car to get to work, school, or kids' activities. Collision coverage may actually even be required if you are financing your car.
Did you know that you can also adjust your auto insurance premium by changing your deductible? The deductible is the amount that you are responsible for paying before your insurance policy takes over when you file an insurance claim. By selecting a slightly higher deductible, you can usually reduce your premium somewhat, thereby lowering your insurance costs.
Let us help you find an affordable auto insurance policy today that gives you the coverage you need at a reasonable rate. You can get in touch with us online or call Freedom Insurance Group, Inc at 828-432-0001, and we will answer any questions you have about auto insurance. As independent agents in your area, we have access to hundreds of policies to tailor coverage for you in a way that's smart and economical.