Your home and your automobile are certainly your greatest financial assets. Don't risk losing them to damage or theft. A home or auto insurance policy can protect you during many different types of incidents.
A homeowner policy, for example, can cover damage to your home or damage to the contents of your home, including property that belongs to you as a renter. Think about what you would do if you could no longer live in your place of residence due to storm damage, fire damage, or damage from accidents like burst water pipes. As a renter, could you replace your belongings in a burglary?
Our independent agents can talk to you about homeowners insurance, whether you are property owner or renter, and make sure you have the coverage you need. We can discuss umbrella policies to add extra coverage should someone have an accident on your property, and we can also talk about things like special insurance for unique property such as art, jewelry, collectibles, and antiques. We can even talk about flood insurance, given the propensity for flooding after coastal storms in North Carolina.
Let's not forget about any vehicles you may own. You probably know at the state of North Carolina requires all vehicles registered in the state to carry a minimum automobile insurance. We can make sure you meet the legal minimum for the state of North Carolina as well as get the coverage you need for your car or truck.
There are multiple types of auto insurance, and your Morganton agent will want to discuss with you your needs for liability insurance, no-fault liability insurance, collision insurance, and comprehensive automobile insurance. We want to make sure you're covered in every possible situation. Being without a car or losing your financial assets in the catastrophic event of an accident where you're at fault is a situation you want to avoid under every circumstance.
Reach out online today or give Freedom Insurance Group, Inc a call at 828-432-0001 today to talk about how we can help you. These days with so many reasonable policies available there's no reason not to have the coverage you need.